Monday 15 April 2013

Things to learn before attempting to obtain UK divorce records.

Divorce is an age-old phenomena, it is definitely the worst thing to happen to a marriage, but yet it never stops. In the United Kingdom, the records associated with divorce were not being officially noted down until the year 1858.There is a proper procedure to obtain the UK divorce records. For a person, seeking a copy of a couple’s divorce needs to put an official request for the search to CIDA, abbreviated as the Central Index of Decrees Absolute. This can be done, when the person will download a form from the website of the courts services and mail it to the Family division Principal registry. Although, there are no official divorce records available for divorces happened before 1858 but an individual can find some secular documents in the British Library.
In a divorce case, whether it is granted or not, a case file is made. So, this file has contents in form of the original petition, a response and any identity proof or certificate such as marriage or birth certificates. With the help of these files, one can also track down the UK divorce records for total number of couple pursued for separation. Although, in many of these cases, an incomplete data may have been submitted as there is the majority of less formal documents, they are still considered as examples of full files. A person in UK looking for divorce records should understand and co-operate with the fact that a very small numbers of these cases are actual case files which have managed to survive in between the records after the year 1937.
In the current scenario of divorces, a case file is usually destroyed after 20 years of a divorce. By following the procedure explained above to obtain a record of divorce, a person can apply to the relevant court to gain access to see the contents of a divorce case file, only if it is within 20 years since the time, the divorce was finalized in the presence of a court. So, the seeker must keep in mind, that he may not be completely successful in tracking a divorce record older than 2o years.
Reading a divorce record is a tricky task in itself, there are abbreviations used in a divorce case, which denote that whether the divorce has been filed by the husband or the wife, there are other abbreviations as well, one each for terms like whether it was an actual divorce, a nullity, a judicial separation or a reimbursement of marital rights.
Get help from, before you go through every necessary step of the long procedure of obtaining information about a divorce in the United Kingdom, visit our website and learn the basics about the same. We can offer a person a lot of information that may not provide him the record but will help them understand what to search for obtaining such a record.